Pop and Thistle

Author's posts

Pet Profile: The Quiet Cocker Spaniel

The Cocker Spaniel is such a pretty, graceful dog in the show ring that it is hard to imagine that this breed was developed to be a working dog. However, before Cocker Spaniels were bred for their long, flowing coats, these bouncy little dogs were developed to be able to work tirelessly alongside hunters and …

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The Urban Chicken Movement: Ten Tips to Bring Chickens Into the City

An urban chicken movement is afoot in this country. More and more people are discovering the benefits of keeping a small flock in their residential backyard – including fresh, healthy eggs, fertilizer for their garden and just plain fun. Thinking of joining them? Here are ten tips to help you bring chickens into your urban …

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Crimini Pasta by Daniele and Nina Polidoro

My dad has always believed in the importance of using real ingredients in the kitchen, no matter what the dish; so if you want high quality taste, use high quality ingredients. Using real butter and real cream is essential to this dish! Ingredients: • 1 ½ cups of 18% cream • 150 g (6 0z) butter …

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Global WarNing

June 5th marks World Environment Day. Are you sick of hearing about the environment? Do you roll your eyes every time someone declares that we humans are fouling the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat? Do you rate Al Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth” an alarmist film to appease …

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Recipe: Peanut Basil Vinaigrette

The peanut, basil and balsamic flavours of this versatile dressing will inspire your meal menus for weeks – and the monounsaturated fats in the peanut oil are a heart-healthy type of fat. The dressing is excellent with a vegetable salad, coleslaw or noodles, brushed over grilled veggies, or even as a marinade. Peanut Basil Vinaigrette Prep …

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Shrimp Spring Rolls

Help your kids expand their palates and put their adventurous side into action by inviting them into the kitchen to get involved in meal decisions from the market to the dinner table. Exploring new foods can encourage flexibility in children, so be sure to introduce your family to fun and exciting flavours early on. Even …

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5 Garden-to-Table Herbs to Try

Herbs are the perfect way to freshen up your garden and dinner plate. A few minutes is all it takes to pick up some herbs at the store and start an edible garden that will add a seasonal kick to your meals. “Herbs are easy to grow, require little maintenance and are equally at home …

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Recipe for Blueberry Hazelnut Pancakes

Delicious blueberries are a favorite for good reason – they’re rich in disease-fighting nutrients and are a good source of antioxidants. Now you can enjoy them even more throughout the year, as Canadian researchers are working on growing and storing them longer outside the normal season. The team at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Kentville Research …

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Essential Oils to Lift Your Energy: The Power of Citrus Blends

The simple act of using citrus based essential oils can help increase energy and improve mental focus. Essential oils from citrus fruits such as grapefruit, orange, and tangerines have properties that naturally elevate mood and energy. The energetic frequency or “notes” as it is sometimes called in aromatherapy, of citrus blends invigorates energy to: * …

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Bruschetta Margarita

Step up your entertaining with this secret ingredient If you’re hosting, the choice between a challenging dish that will earn you praise and an impressive recipe that’s a breeze to make is an easy one. Using everyday pantry items like Bertolli pasta sauce, you’ll make your favourite recipes taste better. Relying on Tuscan cooking traditions that …

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