Category: Home

10 Free Pumpkin Carving Stencils

Pumpkin carving season is here, and if you’re looking for some ideas for this year’s jack-o-lanterns, here are ten free printable pumpkin carving stencils. Just click on the one(s) you want, and print! If you want instructions for pumpkin carving, use these stencils with our Complete How-To Guide for Creative Pumpkin Carving Using Stencils. Haunted House …

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Halloween Treat Recipes: Candy Apples & Popcorn Balls

Halloween is a great time for all kinds of treats—and they’re definitely not hard to find!  Starting in August and September, most grocery stores and convenient stores put bags and bags of candy assortments up for sale.  Everyone has a favorite traditional, store bought treat, but why not take your Halloween offering to the next …

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Designer Tombstones: Inexpensive Yard Decorations

I have found over the years that Halloween, when it comes to decorations, has become almost as decorated as Christmas.  Each year, whole neighborhoods suddenly become creepy villages that hint of dark vampires, witches and zombies trembling in the dark, waiting for the ghoulish night of Halloween to descend upon us. It can be rather …

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How and Why to Roast Your Own Coffee Beans

If you appreciate the difference between Ethiopia, Sumatra, and Brazil, or if Juan Valdez has ever appeared to you in a dream, then you just might be a coffee lover. When you want good coffee, you have two options: shell out or do it yourself. If you are lucky enough to find a source for …

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Treat Yourself to an Unplugged Day

It’s difficult to imagine life before smartphones, but I’m fairly certain it existed. Now our attention spans are shorter, our mental faculties – memory in particular – have been dulled like a knife used to cut frozen spareribs, and we let strangers make our decisions for us when they review products we’re considering purchasing or …

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Crafty Recipes: Paper Mache

I love, I mean LOVE, paper mache (aka papier-mâché) but unfortunately, my kids do not feel the same. For some reason, they act like paper mache paste is an acid that once it gets on their skin it will begin to burn. I’m not sure why this is, but the same kids that hate the feeling …

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When It’s Too Hot to Chew: Gazpacho

Beauty shall be edible or nothing. -Salvador Dalí Maybe you think of soup as something to eat on a cold winter’s day, served in a mug you can cling to with cold hands. Or perhaps you think of soup as an accompaniment to a sandwich, something cooked in a single pot of simmering leftovers. Think …

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Pistachio Gazpacho with Watermelon and Cucumber

By Chef Gerald Hirigoyen, Piperade, San Francisco Chefs Laurent Manrique, Roland Passot and Gerald Hirigoyen hold the most envied title of their profession: Maître Cuisinier de France or Master Chef of France. Chefs are chosen to join one of the world’s most prestigious culinary associations through an exhaustive six-month review process that dates back to 1951. For …

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Lunch Box Blues

When my first child started school, I became aware that on an almost daily basis his lunchbox was still full at the end of the day. There might be a bite out of the sandwich, maybe a few grapes missing or a few carrots nibbled on but other than that I was basically unloading the …

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Mind over Matters: The Right Mindset to Start School

The First Day Of School. A phrase that must be written like that, because it is such an important milestone for the child – and for the parents too. School is the place where a child may spend more of his waking time than he does in his or her home, not counting sleep. It …

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