Category: Family & Parenting

The Project, Part Two

If you remember, I posted last week about my little mini project that I am doing with my kids.  You can see it here. I thought that I would give an update of the project since we are now into week 2 of the ootheca watching and waiting to see if we will be producing some …

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The Project, Part One

As the season quickly faded from fall to winter last year, my family had an unexpected visitor.  She came to our window one afternoon and my son was overjoyed to run out with his dad and scoop her up into a clear container.  It was a Praying Mantis, if you are wondering, and since I …

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Teaching Family Values Conclusion

Welcome to the final post that I will be making on the topic of morals and family values. I’m sure you are more than ready to move onto a new topic and tomorrow I will have a great recipe for you to use at home. But back to our topic on teaching morals and family …

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What are we teaching our kids?

As Easter drew near, I realized that I had forgotten to pick up a few things, and ended up having to go grocery shopping on Saturday; the day before Easter!  I knew it was going to be a horrible day for shopping, but I gritted my teeth and headed out anyways.  I was completely right.  The store …

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Crafty Recipes: Tongue Painting

It has been a while since I did a craft project – not related to a holiday – and it is probably about time that I do one again.  This month (since this seems to be an almost monthly occurrence)  I thought I would do a little write up on tongue painting with children. No, you …

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For the Kids: Space Exploration

This last weekend has seen a lot of amazing things space wise. Nasa landed the space bot Phoenix on the surface of mars and you can actually see the first photos from Phoenix of the northern pole of Mars. I have already been on the Nasa site several times with my little guys, especially my 3 year old who …

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