Category: Nature

5 Ways to Teach Kids to be Environmentally Friendly

Have you ever thought about what you can do to be more green? A great way to start is by teaching your kids about foods and gardens to help them build a deeper appreciation for the environment. 1) Teach your kids about seeds and where they come from. A good starting place is putting a bean …

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Happy Earth Day! Here Are 7 Impactful Environmental Organizations Worth Checking Out

Happy Earth Day! If you’re looking for a reputable charity to donate to this Earth Day, then have a look at these great organizations as options.  We all have causes that speak to our hearts, so hopefully this will help you choose one that you really feel passionate about. All of these have been given high …

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Aerobic Composting: 7 Steps to the Perfect Compost Heap

Earlier I posted about The Town with No Waste for Earth Day awareness, and if you’re interested in moving towards a waste-free life, recycling and composting are key elements. Composting can be daunting, but here are seven simple composting tips to help any beginner get started. When it comes to making a compost heap you can, if …

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Earth Day Inspiration: The Town with No Waste

In 2018 I posted about the town of Kamikatsu, Japan, that had started a plan in 2000 to have zero waste by 2020. At the time, they had achieved 80% of the goal, and today they are very close to the goal, and serve as an excellent example for the rest of the world. Kamikatsu …

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Earth Day Awareness: Plastic

One of the largest concerns on the planet today is plastic waste, especially with poisonous expanding landfills and the growing Pacific Garbage Patch. TED-Ed has an informative lesson on where plastic waste goes, how the patch is formed, points out that there are more patches in the ocean, and tells us why it’s important to …

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Earth Day Awareness: The Great Barrier Reef

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living structure, yet at alarmingly rapid rates, it is becoming the planet’s largest dying structure due to rising ocean temperatures. The Great Barrier Reef stretches over 134,000 square miles off of the coast of Queensland, Australia, and is home to a vast array of fish species, turtles, …

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Earth Day Awareness: Slowing Climate Change

Earth Day is just around the corner on April 22, so I wanted to take a few days to share awareness videos and discussions. TEDTalks has an educational radio hour called “The Big Five,” where experts talked about five massive crises in today’s world, number one being climate change.  One of the clearest and most …

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5 Ways To Celebrate and Support Honey Bees

Did you know honey bees are responsible for over 35% of the foods you eat, as well as the honey you enjoy? Honey bees are vital to the health of the planet and to the food chain, as they are necessary for pollinating more than 90 food crops including fruits, vegetables and nuts — plus …

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Cheat Sheets: Snails

It has been a while since I wrote a cheat sheet for the site so I figured it was time to do so again. Right now, I am the proud snail-sitter of about 10 snails. They will be going back into a nice spot in my yard very soon, not the garden where they were …

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Cheat Sheets: Toads

Well, it’s time for another cheat sheet for parents to add to their little resource library of things their children are going to encounter. I felt that toads are a great example because most children experience a frog or a toad and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between them. I mean, we …

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