Pop and Thistle

Author's posts

Connecting With Love

Did you know that just thinking about love releases endorphins from the hypothalamus of the brain into the bloodstream? Chemical magic happens that makes us feel good. As with other themes, in writing about love we writers try our best to be original. Don’t want to fall into that netherworld of clichés. Don’t want to …

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“Flirtation” by Rita Dove

Flirtation After all, there’s no needto say anything at first. An orange, peeledand quartered, flares like a tulip on a wedgewood plateAnything can happen. Outside the sunhas rolled up her rugs and night strewn saltacross the sky. My heart is humming a tuneI haven’t heard in years! Quiet’s cool flesh—let’s sniff and eat it. There …

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The Scoop on Decaf Tea

Decaf tea is a great addition to the tea tin. There are times when you don’t need a pick-me-up, just a great tasting cup of tea. In fact, having tea often means the very opposite – taking a few minutes to relax, clear your mind and let the cares of the day flow away. A …

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Pet Profile: The Outgoing Labrador Retriever

If you want a dog that has a bubbly personality and a strong desire to make you happy, you may want to consider buying a Labrador Retriever. Of course, these big, exuberant dogs aren’t for everyone. Before you buy one of these roly-poly little puppies, you may want to consider some of the plusses and …

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Pet Profile: The Sweet Maltese

The Maltese is the oldest breed of all the lap dogs. It was a favorite of royal families and was especially popular with the ladies of the royal courts. The women would carry the Maltese on their sleeves as little ornaments to attest to their station in life. It is said that the Greek Philosopher …

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Pet Profile: The Opinionated Pekingese

The Pekingese is an ancient breed of dog that originated in China. Despite the fact that this breed is said to be over 2,000 years old, its look has not changed within that time. The Pekingese was originally bred as a lap dog and companion. The Pekingese is also called The Lion Dog and the …

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Creamy Roasted Garlic and Greens Dip

Whether you’re serving flatbread, sliced veggies or your favourite crackers, it’s always a challenge figuring out the perfect dip to accompany them. Try this rich and flavourful appetizer recipe below. “Roasting garlic mellows the sharpness and enhances its natural sweetness, giving this rich dip an addictive caramelized flavour”, shares Tom Filippou, executive chef for President’s …

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Pet Profile: The Confident Rottweiler

Do you need a protective dog that is intelligent and devoted to its owners? If so, you may want to consider buying a Rottweiler. These big dogs were bred to be very versatile working dogs. They guard their homes and families, excel in agility training, and think that they are tiny lapdogs when they are …

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Pet Profile: The Clever Miniature Pinscher (Min Pin)

If you love the sleek, muscled appearance of the Doberman Pinscher, but you don’t want a big dog, you may want to consider a Miniature Pinscher, Zwergpinscher, or Min Pin. These dogs are very similar in appearance to Dobermans, but are almost one hundred pounds lighter. The Miniature Pinscher may look like a miniature Doberman, …

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“Amores (III)” by e e cummings

Amores (III) there is a moon sole in the blue night amorous of waters tremulous, blinded with silence the undulous heaven yearns where in tense starlessness anoint with ardor the yellow lover stands in the dumb dark svelte and urgent (again love i slowly gather of thy languorous mouth the thrilling flower)