Tag: Love

Pablo Neruda: A Poetic Revolution

Pablo Neruda, a name that resonates with passion, revolution, and the power of words. This Chilean poet-diplomat carved his place in literary history with verses that spoke to the heart and ignited the soul. The Birth of a Poet Born Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto on this day July 12, 1904, the young Pablo adopted …

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From Tarzan to John Carter: A Journey into the Imagination of Edgar Rice Burroughs

Born on this day September 1, 1875, Edgar Rice Burroughs, a master storyteller, created timeless fictional universes that continue to captivate audiences. His imagination journey began with Tarzan, a character whose primal prowess and noble heart have been immortalized in countless novels and films. Tarzan, the ‘Lord of the Jungle’, born of noble English parents …

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Connecting With Love

Did you know that just thinking about love releases endorphins from the hypothalamus of the brain into the bloodstream? Chemical magic happens that makes us feel good. As with other themes, in writing about love we writers try our best to be original. Don’t want to fall into that netherworld of clichés. Don’t want to …

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