June 22, 2024 archive

Homemade Biscuit Recipe: Comfort in Every Bite

There’s something incredibly heartwarming about the aroma of freshly baked biscuits wafting through the house. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or just starting out, this homemade biscuit recipe is perfect for any skill level. Let’s dive into the joy of baking these delightful treats that yield 4 servings of pure comfort. Ingredients: Instructions: Tips and …

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Honor the Dead with Bon Odori

For many, summer is a time for freewheeling fun, without the typical responsibilities of an academic year or simply maintaining one’s own comfort in the winter. But for the Japanese, summer is a time to reflect on those who have gone before us with gratitude and appreciation. One of Japan’s biggest festivals happens in mid-summer …

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Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Trailblazing Aviator and Literary Icon

Anne Morrow Lindbergh was an American author and aviator who carved out a distinctive legacy. Born on this day June 22, 1906, she was the first American woman to acquire a first-class glider pilot’s license, cementing her position as a trailblazing aviator. She achieved this remarkable feat at a time when aviation was dominated by …

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