Halloween Trivia: 50 Bone-Chilling Questions!

Illustration by Stuart Miles

Get ready to test your Halloween knowledge with this spine-tingling trivia set! Whether you’re planning a ghoulish gathering or just want to brush up on your Halloween facts, these 50 questions will challenge and entertain you. From ancient traditions to modern pop culture, we’ve conjured up a mix of multiple-choice and open-ended questions to keep you on your toes. Let’s see how many you can answer correctly!

  1. What does the word “Halloween” mean? Answer: All Hallows’ Eve (the evening before All Saints’ Day)
  2. Which of these is NOT a traditional Halloween color?
    • a) Orange
    • b) Black
    • c) Purple
    • d) Green
      • Answer: d) Green
  3. In what country did Halloween originate? Answer: Ireland
  4. What was the original name of candy corn? Answer: Chicken Feed
  5. Which famous magician died on Halloween in 1926? Answer: Harry Houdini
  6. What phobia is the fear of Halloween?
    • a) Samhainophobia
    • b) Halloweenophobia
    • c) Phasmophobia
    • d) Xenophobia
      • Answer: a) Samhainophobia
  7. What is the most popular Halloween candy in the United States? Answer: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
  8. In “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown,” what does Linus mistake for the Great Pumpkin? Answer: Snoopy
  9. Which Shakespeare play features three witches? Answer: Macbeth
  10. What year was the first Halloween celebrated? Answer: The exact year is unknown, but it dates back about 2,000 years to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain
  11. What does a teal pumpkin signify on Halloween? Answer: Non-food treats are available for children with food allergies
  12. Which of these is NOT a type of traditional Halloween divination?
    • a) Apple bobbing
    • b) Mirror gazing
    • c) Nutshell floating
    • d) Tarot reading
      • Answer: d) Tarot reading
  13. What is the name of the headless horseman in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”? Answer: The Hessian
  14. In which U.S. state is it illegal to dress up as a priest or nun on Halloween? Answer: Alabama
  15. What does the Irish legend say you should do if you encounter a leprechaun on Halloween? Answer: Stare at him with your left eye while wearing your clothes inside out
  16. Which planet is sometimes called the “Halloween Planet” due to its orange color? Answer: Mars
  17. What was the first individually wrapped penny candy in America? Answer: Tootsie Rolls
  18. In the movie “Hocus Pocus,” what type of creature is Thackery Binx?
    • a) Dog
    • b) Cat
    • c) Rat
    • d) Owl
      • Answer: b) Cat
  19. What does the Japanese word “Obake” mean in relation to Halloween? Answer: Ghost or shapeshifter
  20. Which famous horror novel was inspired by a nightmare its author had? Answer: “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley
  21. What is the traditional Scottish name for Halloween? Answer: Samhain
  22. In Mexican culture, what is the name of the holiday that coincides with Halloween? Answer: Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead)
  23. Which horror movie franchise features a killer named Michael Myers? Answer: Halloween
  24. What vegetable was originally used to make jack-o’-lanterns before pumpkins? Answer: Turnips
  25. What is the name of the witch’s cat in the movie “Hocus Pocus”? Answer: Binx
  26. Which of these is NOT a real Halloween game?
    • a) Snap-apple
    • b) Bobbing for apples
    • c) Pumpkin rolling
    • d) Ghost whispering
      • Answer: d) Ghost whispering
  27. What is the most common birthdate for people who claim to be real vampires? Answer: Halloween (October 31st)
  28. In what year was the first Halloween card produced? Answer: 1898
  29. What is the name of the pagan festival that heavily influenced Halloween? Answer: Samhain
  30. Which country celebrates “Pangangaluluwa” on Halloween? Answer: Philippines
  31. What does the word “bonfire” originally mean? Answer: Bone fire (fires where bones were burned)
  32. In the “Harry Potter” series, what is the name of the ghost who haunts the girls’ bathroom? Answer: Moaning Myrtle
  33. Which famous magician performed his last show on Halloween night? Answer: Harry Houdini
  34. What is the fear of witches called?
    • a) Wiccaphobia
    • b) Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
    • c) Samhainophobia
    • d) Mageirocophobia
      • Answer: a) Wiccaphobia
  35. What is the name of the Celtic god of the dead who was believed to be summoned on Samhain? Answer: Anwinn
  36. In which year did the custom of trick-or-treating begin in the United States? Answer: The 1930s
  37. What is the traditional Halloween bread in Ireland called? Answer: Barmbrack
  38. Which famous escape artist died on Halloween? Answer: Harry Houdini
  39. What does the old English word “Hallow” mean? Answer: Saint
  40. In “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” what is the name of Jack Skellington’s ghost dog? Answer: Zero
  41. Which country celebrates “Día de las Brujas” on Halloween? Answer: Spain
  42. What is the name of the famous haunted house in Disney theme parks? Answer: The Haunted Mansion
  43. In folklore, how can you supposedly kill a vampire?
    • a) Sunlight
    • b) Garlic
    • c) Wooden stake through the heart
    • d) All of the above
      • Answer: d) All of the above
  44. What is the term for a group of witches? Answer: A coven
  45. Which famous author wrote the short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”? Answer: Washington Irving
  46. What is the traditional Halloween activity of foretelling the future called? Answer: Divination
  47. In which country is it tradition to put bread, water, and a lighted lamp on the table before going to bed on Halloween night? Answer: Austria
  48. What does the old superstition say will happen if you see a spider on Halloween? Answer: The spirit of a loved one is watching over you
  49. Which planet will be in opposition (closest and brightest) on Halloween 2023? Answer: Jupiter
  50. What is the estimated amount spent on Halloween in the United States annually?
    • a) $1 billion
    • b) $5 billion
    • c) $10 billion
    • d) $20 billion
      • Answer: c) $10 billion

Congratulations on making it through our haunting Halloween trivia! Whether you aced it or learned some spooky new facts, we hope you had a frighteningly good time. Why not use these questions to challenge your friends at your next Halloween party? It’s sure to be a scream! Happy haunting!

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