Easy Homemade Sausage Gravy Recipe for Breakfast Bliss

Biscuits with sausage gravy | Joshua Resnick

Wake up to the mouthwatering aroma of freshly baked biscuits smothered in rich, flavorful sausage gravy. Our easy homemade sausage gravy recipe is the ultimate breakfast indulgence that will leave your taste buds begging for more. Made with simple and wholesome ingredients, this savory delight is ready to be whipped up in no time, bringing you breakfast bliss like never before.

Imagine starting your day with fluffy buttermilk biscuits, topped with a luscious gravy that bursts with the savory goodness of seasoned sausage. It’s the perfect combination of comfort and satisfaction that will have you reaching for seconds.

With step-by-step instructions and helpful tips, even beginner cooks can confidently whip up this breakfast masterpiece. So why wait? Treat yourself and your loved ones to a breakfast experience that will have you coming back for more. Get ready to savor every bite of this delectable sausage gravy!

Let’s dive into the irresistible world of homemade comfort food and discover the magic of our easy homemade sausage gravy recipe.

The History of Sausage Gravy

Sausage gravy is a beloved dish that has roots in Southern cuisine. Its origins can be traced back to the American South, where it was traditionally served as a hearty breakfast staple. The combination of sausage, flour, and milk creates a thick and creamy gravy that pairs perfectly with biscuits, toast, or even fried chicken.

The exact origins of sausage gravy are unclear, but it is believed to have been influenced by European dishes such as British white sauce and French béchamel. Over time, the recipe for sausage gravy has evolved and adapted to different regional preferences, resulting in variations like sawmill gravy and red-eye gravy.

Today, sausage gravy is enjoyed across the United States, loved for its comforting flavors and versatility. Whether you’re enjoying it as a classic Southern breakfast or incorporating it into a brunch dish, sausage gravy is sure to satisfy your cravings for savory goodness.

Benefits of Making Homemade Sausage Gravy

Making homemade sausage gravy has several advantages over store-bought alternatives. When you prepare sausage gravy from scratch, you have full control over the quality and taste of the ingredients. You can choose to use premium sausage, organic milk, and fresh herbs for a truly elevated flavor experience.

Additionally, homemade sausage gravy allows you to customize the recipe to suit your dietary preferences and restrictions. If you’re following a gluten-free diet, you can easily substitute the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free alternative. You can also adjust the level of spiciness or add additional seasonings to suit your taste buds.

Another benefit of making sausage gravy at home is the cost savings. Store-bought gravy mixes can be expensive, especially if you’re feeding a large crowd. By making your own sausage gravy, you can save money without sacrificing flavor. Plus, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that you made a delicious dish from scratch.


To make homemade sausage gravy, you’ll need the following ingredients:

– 1 pound ground breakfast sausage

– 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

– 2 cups whole milk

– Salt and pepper to taste


– Fresh herbs (such as thyme or sage) for garnish

These simple ingredients can be easily found at your local grocery store. Choose a high-quality breakfast sausage for the best flavor, and opt for whole milk to achieve a rich and creamy texture.


1. In a large skillet, cook the ground breakfast sausage over medium heat until it is browned and cooked through. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to break up the sausage into small crumbles as it cooks.

2. Once the sausage is fully cooked, sprinkle the flour over the sausage in the skillet. Stir well to coat the sausage in the flour. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes to cook off the raw flour taste.

3. Slowly pour in the milk, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. Continue to cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring frequently, until the gravy thickens to your desired consistency. This usually takes about 5-10 minutes.

4. Season the gravy with salt and pepper to taste. Remember to taste as you go and adjust the seasoning accordingly. If desired, you can also add fresh herbs such as thyme or sage for an extra layer of flavor.

5. Once the gravy has reached your desired consistency and is seasoned to perfection, remove it from the heat. Allow it to cool slightly before serving.

6. Serve the homemade sausage gravy over freshly baked biscuits, toast, or any other breakfast favorite. Garnish with fresh herbs if desired. Enjoy!

Tips for Perfecting Your Homemade Sausage Gravy

– Use a non-stick skillet or a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet to prevent the sausage from sticking and burning.

– Make sure to break up the sausage into small crumbles as it cooks to ensure even browning and distribution of flavors.

– Gradually add the milk to the skillet while stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. If lumps do form, use a whisk to vigorously whisk the gravy until smooth.

– If the gravy becomes too thick, you can thin it out by adding a little more milk. If it’s too thin, you can cook it for a few additional minutes to allow it to thicken further.

– Feel free to customize the recipe by adding additional seasonings such as garlic powder, onion powder, or paprika. Experiment with different herbs to find your favorite flavor combinations.

Serving Suggestions and Variations

Homemade sausage gravy is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are a few serving suggestions and variations to try:

– Serve the sausage gravy over freshly baked buttermilk biscuits for a classic Southern breakfast.

– Try it over toast or English muffins for a quick and satisfying meal.

– Use the gravy as a filling for breakfast burritos or biscuits and gravy casserole.

– Add cooked diced potatoes to the gravy for a heartier dish.

– For a vegetarian alternative, swap the sausage with plant-based sausage crumbles or mushrooms.

Get creative and experiment with different serving ideas to find your own favorite way to enjoy homemade sausage gravy.

Healthier Alternatives

If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to traditional sausage gravy, there are a few modifications you can make to the recipe. Here are some ideas:

– Use lean turkey or chicken sausage instead of pork sausage to reduce the fat content.

– Substitute whole milk with low-fat or skim milk to lower the calorie content.

– Use a smaller amount of flour or opt for a gluten-free flour alternative to reduce the carb content.

– Add more vegetables to the gravy, such as diced bell peppers or onions, to increase the nutritional value.

Remember, while these modifications can make the recipe healthier, they may also alter the taste and texture of the gravy slightly. Adjust the seasonings accordingly to ensure a flavorful outcome.


1. Can I make sausage gravy ahead of time?

Yes, you can make sausage gravy ahead of time. Simply store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. When ready to serve, reheat it on the stovetop or in the microwave, stirring occasionally until heated through.

2. Can I freeze sausage gravy?

While it is possible to freeze sausage gravy, the texture may change slightly upon thawing and reheating. The gravy may become slightly grainy or separate. If you do choose to freeze it, store it in a freezer-safe container for up to 3 months. Thaw it overnight in the refrigerator before reheating.

3. Can I use a different type of sausage in the recipe?

Absolutely! The beauty of homemade sausage gravy is that you can use whatever type of sausage you prefer. Whether it’s spicy Italian sausage, chorizo, or even a vegetarian sausage alternative, feel free to experiment and find your perfect flavor combination.


Homemade sausage gravy is a breakfast delight that brings comfort and satisfaction to the table. With its rich and savory flavors, it’s no wonder that this classic Southern dish has stood the test of time.

By following our easy homemade sausage gravy recipe, you can enjoy the indulgence of this breakfast favorite right in your own kitchen. From the aroma of the sausage sizzling in the skillet to the creamy goodness of the gravy, every step of the process is a culinary adventure.

So go ahead, treat yourself and your loved ones to a breakfast bliss like never before. Whip up a batch of homemade sausage gravy and savor every bite of this delectable dish. Whether enjoyed over biscuits, toast, or your favorite breakfast staple, this easy homemade sausage gravy recipe is sure to become a favorite in your household.

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