Delicious and Easy Steamed Clams Recipe: The Perfect Seafood Delight!

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Looking to indulge in a delectable seafood delight? Look no further than this delicious and easy steamed clams recipe! With just a handful of ingredients and a quick cooking time, you’ll have a dish that will impress even the most discerning seafood lover.

In this recipe, fresh and plump clams are steamed to perfection, allowing their natural briny flavors to shine through. The delicate yet savory broth, infused with garlic, white wine, and a hint of chili flakes, adds a delightful depth of flavor that will have you coming back for seconds.

Not only is this dish incredibly flavorful, but it’s also incredibly simple to prepare. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a beginner in the kitchen, you’ll be able to whip up this seafood masterpiece in no time.

So, why wait? Treat yourself and your loved ones to a restaurant-worthy meal with this easy steamed clams recipe. Get your seafood fix and enjoy the tantalizing flavors of the ocean in the comfort of your own home.

Choosing the right clams for steaming

When it comes to steaming clams, choosing the right ones is crucial for a successful and enjoyable dish. Here are some tips to help you select the best clams for steaming:

  1. Freshness: Look for clams that are alive and fresh. They should have tightly closed shells or shells that close when tapped. Avoid clams with cracked or open shells, as this indicates that they may be dead and not safe for consumption.
  2. Size: The size of the clams can vary, but it’s generally recommended to choose medium-sized clams for steaming. These clams are easier to handle and cook more evenly.
  3. Variety: There are different types of clams available, such as littlenecks, cherrystones, and topnecks. While all of them can be used for steaming, littlenecks are the most popular choice due to their smaller size and tender meat.
  4. Sustainability: Consider choosing clams that are sustainably sourced. Look for clams that are harvested using responsible fishing practices to help support the health and longevity of our oceans.

Remember, the quality of the clams you choose will greatly impact the final taste and texture of your steamed clams dish. So take your time to select the best clams available to ensure a truly delicious seafood experience.

How to clean and prepare clams for steaming

Before steaming clams, it’s essential to properly clean and prepare them to ensure their freshness and safety. Follow these steps to clean and prepare your clams for steaming:

  1. Check for freshness: Start by inspecting the clams. Discard any clams with cracked or open shells, as well as any that feel unusually heavy or light.
  2. Rinse the clams: Rinse the clams under cold running water to remove any sand or grit that may be trapped in the shells. Gently scrub the shells with a brush to remove any dirt.
  3. De-beard the clams: Some clams may have a fibrous, hairy protrusion called the beard. To remove it, gently pull the beard away from the shell. This step is optional, as most clams sold in stores have already been debearded.
  4. Saltwater soak (optional): If you have time, you can soak the clams in a bowl of saltwater for about 20 minutes. This helps to draw out any remaining sand or grit from the clams.

Once you have cleaned and prepared the clams, they are ready to be steamed. Follow the next section for a delicious and easy steamed clams recipe that will have you savoring the flavors of the sea.

Steamed Clams Recipe


To create a mouthwatering steamed clams dish, you’ll need just a handful of fresh and flavorful ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 2 pounds of fresh clams
  • 3 tablespoons of butter
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 cup of dry white wine
  • 1/2 teaspoon of chili flakes (adjust to taste)
  • Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
  • Fresh parsley, chopped (for garnish)
  • Crusty bread, for serving

These simple ingredients come together to create a delectable broth that perfectly complements the natural flavors of the clams. Now that you have all the ingredients ready, let’s move on to the step-by-step instructions for steaming clams.


Steaming clams is a quick and straightforward cooking method that preserves the natural flavors and tenderness of the clams. Follow these step-by-step instructions to prepare a delicious steamed clams dish:

  1. Clean the clams: Begin by cleaning the clams as described in the previous section. Rinse them under cold running water, scrub the shells if necessary, and remove any beards.
  2. Melt the butter: In a large pot or Dutch oven, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the minced garlic and cook for about 1 minute, until fragrant. Be careful not to burn the garlic.
  3. Add the wine and seasonings: Pour in the white wine, chili flakes, and a pinch of black pepper. Stir well to combine the flavors.
  4. Bring to a boil: Increase the heat to high and bring the mixture to a boil. Allow the wine to boil for a couple of minutes to burn off the alcohol.
  5. Add the clams: Gently add the cleaned clams to the pot, making sure they are in a single layer. Cover the pot with a tight-fitting lid.
  6. Steam the clams: Reduce the heat to medium-high and steam the clams for about 5-7 minutes, or until the clams have fully opened. Discard any clams that remain closed, as they may be dead and not safe to eat.
  7. Serve and garnish: Carefully transfer the steamed clams to a serving platter, pouring the flavorful broth over the top. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley for a pop of color and added freshness.
  8. Enjoy: Serve the steamed clams immediately with crusty bread on the side. The bread is perfect for soaking up the delicious broth and savoring every last drop.

With these simple steps, you’ll have a delightful dish of steamed clams that will impress your family and friends. The next section will provide some tips for enhancing the flavor of your steamed clams even further.

Tips for enhancing the flavor of steamed clams

While the basic recipe for steamed clams is already incredibly flavorful, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to take it to the next level. Here are some suggestions to enhance the flavor of your steamed clams:

  1. Add fresh herbs: Along with parsley, you can experiment with other fresh herbs like thyme or cilantro. These herbs can add a unique and aromatic flavor to the dish.
  2. Try different spices: If you prefer a spicier kick, increase the amount of chili flakes or add some cayenne pepper. You can also experiment with other spices like paprika or Old Bay seasoning for a different flavor profile.
  3. Customize the broth: The broth plays a crucial role in enhancing the taste of the clams. Consider adding a splash of fresh lemon juice, a dollop of butter, or a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. These additions can add richness and complexity to the dish.
  4. Sauté vegetables: For added texture and flavor, you can sauté some diced onions, bell peppers, or cherry tomatoes along with the garlic. This adds a delightful sweetness and freshness to the dish.
  5. Infuse with bacon: For a richer and smokier flavor, you can cook a few strips of bacon until crispy, remove them from the pan, and crumble them over the steamed clams before serving.

Remember, these tips are just suggestions, and you can get creative with your flavor combinations. The most important thing is to have fun experimenting with different ingredients and finding what suits your taste buds.

Serving suggestions and accompaniments

Steamed clams are a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some serving suggestions and accompaniments to elevate your steamed clams experience:

  1. Crusty bread: Serve your steamed clams with crusty bread, such as a baguette or ciabatta, for dipping into the flavorful broth. The bread soaks up the broth and adds a satisfying texture to each bite.
  2. Pasta: Toss the steamed clams and broth with your favorite cooked pasta for a delightful seafood pasta dish. Linguine or spaghetti work particularly well with the briny flavors of the clams.
  3. Rice or quinoa: Steam some clams and serve them over a bed of cooked rice or quinoa for a hearty and satisfying meal. The grains absorb the flavors of the broth, creating a delicious combination.
  4. Salads: Add steamed clams to a fresh green salad for a light and refreshing meal. Top the salad with a simple vinaigrette dressing to complement the flavors of the clams.
  5. Soup or chowder: If you have leftover steamed clams, you can use them to make a flavorful clam chowder or soup. Simply chop the clams and add them to a creamy soup base along with some diced vegetables.

These serving suggestions provide a variety of options for enjoying your steamed clams. Feel free to experiment and find your favorite way to savor this delicious seafood delight.

Variations of steamed clams recipe

While the classic steamed clams recipe is already incredibly delicious, there are several variations you can explore to add a twist to this seafood dish. Here are a few ideas to inspire your culinary creativity:

  1. Asian-style steamed clams: Infuse your broth with Asian flavors by adding ingredients like ginger, lemongrass, and soy sauce. Garnish the dish with fresh cilantro and serve with steamed rice.
  2. Tomato-based steamed clams: Create a rich and flavorful tomato broth by adding diced tomatoes, tomato paste, and a splash of white wine. Season with Italian herbs like basil, oregano, and thyme.
  3. Coconut curry steamed clams: Give your clams an exotic twist by adding coconut milk, curry paste, and lime juice to the broth. Serve the steamed clams over fragrant jasmine rice for a satisfying meal.
  4. Spanish-style steamed clams: Infuse your broth with Spanish flavors by adding diced chorizo, smoked paprika, and a splash of sherry. Serve the clams with crusty bread for dipping.
  5. Garlic butter steamed clams: For a decadent twist, melt some garlic butter and drizzle it over the steamed clams before serving. This adds a rich and indulgent flavor to the dish.

These variations allow you to explore different flavor profiles and cuisines while still enjoying the tender and succulent goodness of steamed clams. Feel free to get creative and adapt the recipe to suit your taste preferences.


Steamed clams are a true seafood delight that can be easily prepared and enjoyed in the comfort of your own home. With their natural briny flavors and delicate texture, they make for a perfect addition to any seafood lover’s repertoire.

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply treating yourself to a special meal, steamed clams are sure to impress. So why wait? Head to your local seafood market, pick up some fresh clams, and embark on a culinary adventure with this delightful seafood dish.

Remember to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to create your own unique version of steamed clams. Whether you prefer a classic preparation or want to explore exciting flavor combinations, the versatility of this dish allows you to indulge in a seafood masterpiece that suits your taste buds.

So, gather your loved ones, set the table, and get ready to enjoy a restaurant-worthy seafood experience with this delicious and easy steamed clams recipe. Dive into the flavors of the ocean and savor every bite of this delectable seafood delight!

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