Category: Homesteading

Homegrown First Aid – Aloe Vera

No matter how careful you are, accidents and incidents and other events requiring some level of medical attention happen. There are aisles and aisles in the drug store hawking products to treat, cure, soothe, and anesthetize everyday injuries and illnesses such as cuts, insect bites, sunburn, sore throat, and acne. Some of these products are …

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The Urban Chicken Movement: Ten Tips to Bring Chickens Into the City

An urban chicken movement is afoot in this country. More and more people are discovering the benefits of keeping a small flock in their residential backyard – including fresh, healthy eggs, fertilizer for their garden and just plain fun. Thinking of joining them? Here are ten tips to help you bring chickens into your urban …

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9 Specialty Herbs To Include In Your Herb Garden

There are hundreds of culinary herbs with flavors that range from earthy to spicy to citrusy to sweet. You probably have your favorite fresh herbs that you plant each year but it’s always fun to save a few spots in your herb garden for something new. You may even be fortunate enough to stumble upon …

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Make an Herbal Medicine Chest from Backyard Weeds

What could be easier than growing an herb garden with no effort? Of course, you’ll have to harvest your weeds, but you would do that anyhow: it’s called weeding. Spring is an especially fertile time for harvesting your weeds – roots and all – and turning them into medicines. Here then are some tips on …

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5 Recipes for DIY Spring Cleaning

Many of the products we use while spring cleaning our homes are filled with ingredients that have negative long-term effects on our health and environment. For example, ammonia, sodium hydroxide and triclosan are some of the culprits found in products ranging from laundry detergents to glass cleaners. These ingredients can linger on surfaces and are …

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Now Remember Rosemary

Mad Ophelia tells us: “There’s Rosemary, that’s for remembrance”. In Shakespeare’s day it was common knowledge that rosemary helped one remember. Today, as then, herbalists agree: “For weyknesse of ye brayne, sethe rosemaria in wyne and keep ye heed warme”. The leaves of this tough, evergreen shrub, are valued for both medicinal and culinary uses. …

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6 Home Remedies For Honeybee Stings

Getting a Honey-bee-sting is no fun. Moreover, the pain can last up to several hours, even days if no correct remedial measures are applied immediately. Since summer time is at its peak, people who work in their gardens have high risk of getting stung by a bee. Fortunately, there are now a bunch of home …

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Chai Honey Tea Recipe

Experience the health benefits of honey Healthy ingredients are the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Whether it be a minor addition for flavor, or an increased dosage that completely transforms a meal, finding healthy ingredients that are both nutritious and delicious can enhance your diet and your life. Honey is a diverse ingredient that can …

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Bringing the Herb Garden Home for Health and Happiness

For thousands of years, people have grown plants for culinary and medicinal uses. These days, outside of certain communities, it is less common to have an herb garden, and many people don’t know the difference between lemon balm and lemongrass. But rest assured; this guide to the must-haves in any herb garden will help stave …

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Lemon Balm Tea (Melissa Officinalis) Health Benefits

Lemon balm tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea made from the plant, Melissa officinalis. Melissa officinalis is one of many herbs which have a natural lemony fragrance without the sourness and acidity caused by citric acid in lemons. This article explores the health benefits and medicinal uses of lemon balm, and the benefits of drinking an …

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