6 DIY Christmas Craft Ornaments to Spruce Up Your Holiday Tree

Are you looking to add a personal touch to your holiday tree this year? Look no further! We have compiled a list of 6 DIY Christmas craft ornaments that will spruce up your tree and bring a festive flair to your home. Whether you’re a crafting novice or a seasoned DIY enthusiast, these ornaments are easy to make and will add a unique touch to your holiday décor. From rustic and vintage-inspired ornaments to modern and whimsical designs, there’s something for everyone on this list. Get creative with materials like felt, paper, and even old Christmas cards, and let your imagination run wild. These DIY ornaments also make great gifts and can be a fun activity for the whole family. So why wait? Let’s get crafting and make your holiday tree the envy of all your friends and family this season!

Benefits of making your own Christmas ornaments

There are several benefits to making your own Christmas ornaments. Firstly, it allows you to add a personal touch to your holiday decor, making it truly unique and special. By creating DIY ornaments, you can incorporate your own style, color scheme, and themes that resonate with you and your family. Additionally, making your own ornaments can be a cost-effective way to decorate your tree, as many of the materials used can be found around the house or easily purchased at a low cost. Lastly, DIY ornaments provide a great opportunity for quality time with your loved ones, as they make for a fun and engaging family activity during the holiday season.

Popular DIY Christmas ornament materials

When it comes to DIY ornaments, there are countless materials to choose from. Some of the most popular ones include felt, paper, buttons, cinnamon sticks, pinecones, and popsicle sticks. Each material offers its own unique charm and can be easily transformed into stunning ornaments. Let’s explore some step-by-step guides on how to create these beautiful ornaments.

1) paper snowflake ornament

paper snowflake ornament | Peshkova

Materials needed:

– White paper

– Scissors


1. Start by folding a square piece of white paper in half diagonally to form a triangle.

2. Fold the triangle in half again to form a smaller triangle.

3. Cut small shapes along the folded edges of the triangle, making sure not to cut all the way through.

4. Unfold the paper carefully to reveal a beautiful snowflake design.

5. Attach a piece of string or ribbon to the top of the snowflake for hanging.

Creating paper snowflake ornaments is a classic and timeless DIY project that adds a touch of elegance to any tree. You can experiment with different sizes and designs to create a stunning display of delicate snowflakes that will sparkle and shimmer when hung on your tree.

2) cinnamon stick reindeer ornament

Materials needed:

– Cinnamon sticks

– Googly eyes

– Red pom-poms

– Brown pipe cleaners

– Glue


1. Take a cinnamon stick and glue two googly eyes near the top.

2. Glue a red pom-pom just below the eyes to create the reindeer’s nose.

3. Cut a brown pipe cleaner in half and shape each half into an antler.

4. Glue the antlers to the top of the cinnamon stick, on either side of the eyes.

5. Attach a piece of string or ribbon to the top of the cinnamon stick for hanging.

The cinnamon stick reindeer ornament adds a touch of rustic charm to your tree. The warm cinnamon scent combined with the adorable reindeer face makes it a delightful addition to your holiday decor.

3) felt Christmas tree ornament

felt Christmas tree ornament | Oksana Slepko

Materials needed:

– Green felt

– Assorted colorful felt

– Scissors

– Glue


1. Cut a triangle shape out of the green felt to create the base of the Christmas tree.

2. Cut out various shapes from the colorful felt, such as circles, stars, and squares.

3. Arrange and glue the colorful felt shapes onto the green felt triangle to decorate the tree.

4. Attach a piece of string or ribbon to the top of the tree for hanging.

The felt Christmas tree ornament is a versatile and customizable DIY project. You can experiment with different colors and shapes to create unique and eye-catching designs. These ornaments are perfect for adding a pop of color to your tree.

4) pinecone owl ornament

pinecone owl ornament | saltodemata

Materials needed:

– Pinecones

– Assorted colorful felt

– Googly eyes

– Glue


1. Take a pinecone and glue two googly eyes near the top.

2. Cut out wings, beak, and feet from the colorful felt.

3. Glue the wings to the sides of the pinecone and attach the beak and feet.

4. Attach a piece of string or ribbon to the top of the pinecone for hanging.

The pinecone owl ornament adds a touch of nature and whimsy to your tree. You can get creative with different felt colors to make a whole family of adorable owl ornaments.

5) button wreath ornament

Materials needed:

– Green pipe cleaner

– Assorted colorful buttons

– Glue


1. Take a green pipe cleaner and shape it into a circle to form the wreath base.

2. Glue assorted colorful buttons onto the pipe cleaner to decorate the wreath.

3. Attach a piece of string or ribbon to the top of the wreath for hanging.

The button wreath ornament is a simple yet visually striking DIY project. The combination of the vibrant buttons against the green pipe cleaner creates a festive and eye-catching ornament for your tree.

6) popsicle stick snowflake ornament

popsicle stick snowflake ornament | Aninka Bongers-Sutherland

Materials needed:

– Popsicle sticks

– Glue

– Glitter and stickers (optional)


1. Take four popsicle sticks and arrange them in the shape of a snowflake, with the ends overlapping in the middle.

2. Glue the popsicle sticks together at the points where they overlap.

3. If desired, apply glue to the snowflake and sprinkle glitter over it for a sparkling effect.

4. Attach a piece of string or ribbon to one of the popsicle sticks for hanging.

The popsicle stick snowflake ornament is a fun and easy DIY project that adds a touch of winter wonderland to your tree. You can create multiple snowflakes in different sizes and colors to create a stunning snowflake display.


Creating your own DIY Christmas craft ornaments is not only a fun and engaging activity but also a great way to add a personal touch to your holiday décor. From paper snowflakes to cinnamon stick reindeer, felt Christmas trees to pinecone owls, button wreaths to popsicle stick snowflakes, the possibilities are endless. These DIY ornaments are easy to make, cost-effective, and allow you to unleash your creativity. So, gather your materials, get crafting, and make your holiday tree truly special this season. Happy crafting!

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