June 28, 2024 archive

Celebrate the 4th With Red, White, and Blue No-Bake Watermelon Cake

Satisfy your sweet tooth with this fun no-bake “cake” the whole family will enjoy. Fresh summer watermelon makes for a sturdy base and is rich in vitamins C and A, and boasts plenty of cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Protein-packed Greek yogurt, with cream cheese and a little whipped cream, creates a sweet and tangy frosting. Makes 10 …

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Discover the Secret to Glowing Skin with Homemade Face Wash Recipes

The secret to achieving radiant, glowing skin may actually be hiding in your own kitchen. Using natural ingredients that are easily accessible, these homemade face wash recipes can effectively cleanse and nourish your skin, leaving it feeling rejuvenated and looking its very best. Whether you have oily, dry, or sensitive skin, there is a recipe …

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Voice of Nepal: Geeta Tripathee

Born on this day June 28, 1972 in Kharelthok village in the Kavrepalanchok district of Nepal, Geeta Tripathee is a renowned figure in the literary sphere of Nepal. Known primarily for her contributions to poetry, she has also made significant strides in other genres such as essays and short stories. Her work is characterized by its …

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