I have always loved gemstones and over the past 5 years I have done a lot of studying about them. Since ancient times people from all over the world have looked to gemstones for their healing properties. I was very curious about incorporating gemstones into my practice of tarot and reiki as well. The wonderful thing about gemstones is they are also so versatile. In addition to being worn in jewelry, they are revered for their mystic and healing properties.
I’m excited to share about a few of my favorite gemstones and what they are known for.
Amazonite – this gorgeous blue-green variety of stone is called the stone of hope. It’s known for being soothing and bringing good fortune as well. Amazonite is also associated with the zodiac astrological sign of Virgo
Amethyst – This purple quartz is by far one of the most popular gemstones. You can nd amethyst in both translucent and opaque verities. Amethyst is renowned for its healing properties. Amethyst is said to bring peace and balance where it is most needed. Amethyst is said to be good for physical, mental and spiritual health.
Carnelian – This fiery red and orange semi-precious stone is so beautiful and reminds me of a summer sunset. This is a stone associated with passion and courage. Carnelian corresponds to the zodiac sign Scorpio. It is also believed that people prone to stress and anxiety should avoid carnelian as it can sometimes exacerbate feelings or stress or anxiety. If you’re need a boost of confidence, carnelian can do the trick.
Citrine – this beautiful yellow variety of quartz is a highly sought-after gemstone. Citrine gets its name from the old French word for lemon! This sunshiny stone is good for folks that struggle with their Solar Plexus (this is where you store your personal power). Citrine is also associated with abundance, prosperity and success. This is the perfect gemstone for brightening up your spirits and is also associated with abundance and prosperity.
Clear Quartz – This is considered the master healing stone! Clear quartz is said to boost the immune system and help rid the body of toxins. It is also said to enhance psychic abilities. It’s known to ground energy and absorb negative energy. This is the ultimate clearing stone and a most have for any gemstone enthusiast.
Green Aventurine – This beautiful green stone is said to bring luck and balance. It’s believed that this stone embodies emotional healing, letting go of difficult memories, and promoting inner harmony. I love green aventurine as it is a great stone to wear if you have a tendency to overthink or ruminate over difficult situations.
Labradorite – This is a fascinating stone! It is know for it’s mirage of colors from blue, green, yellow, orange and red. This stone is has so many properties from enhancing protection, calming the mind, creativity, spiritual growth and also protection from those that wish to cause you harm. This stone is associated with the Third Eye chakra and acts to activate psychic abilities, intuition and spiritual connection.
Moonstone – my very favorite gem of all! I’m truly in love with moonstone and wear it daily. This is stone that is also associated with the Third Eye Chakra and told to enhance psychic abilities. I nd this so helpful when connecting with my higher power to facilitate tarot readings. The moonstone is said to bring peace, calmness and emotional stability in life.
Selenite – This is also a stone known for assisting with connecting to psychic abilities. I also carry selenite with me when I’m doing tarot readings as well. Selenite is said to lift awareness to your higher planes to meet spirit guides and guardian angels. It’s also a stone of receiving inner guidance.
Rose quartz – the love stone! It has also been referred to as the “heart stone”. It is known to symbolize unconditional love. It is said to foster inner peace. It’s known to restore trust and harmony in relationships. It’s also said to have a positive effect on overall mental health. This is the ideal stone to give to someone you love deeply.
Tiger’s eye – Oh this is such a fascinating stone as well. Like labradorite, Tiger’s eye also has a very unique appearance. You will notice stripes and various colors in this stone as well. Tiger’s eye is very powerful in business and money matters. It promotes confidence and problem solving with ease. This is a great gift for colleagues or those trying to promote in the workplace.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about some of the most common gemstones. The wonderful thing about all of these stones is they are truly quite inexpensive! You can start with something as simple as a tumbled stone and carry it with you in your pocket. You may be surprised to notice the happy differences in makes in your life.