August’s parcel theme was Moonlight in the Poison Garden. You’re probably wondering why we’re just now reviewing August’s parcel. WELL, I’ve had a hard time coming to grips with reviewing August’s collection for a couple different reasons. First, let me start off by mentioning that August’s parcel arrived… in September. Today is October 7th and September’s parcel… still has not arrived. Due to the complete inconsitancies in the matter of if and when someone will actually receive their subscription box – I decided to cancel my subscription. That coupled with if you ever email to inquire about the status of your box, the response is always a glib one.

This month’s theme focuses heavily on the use of neon green – the typical poison color definitely oozes throughout the collection.

Menu of poisons that can be used as kitschy wall art.

That coupled with one other troubling fact – the boxes are no longer going to include a patch. My FAVORITE thing in each and every single box is no more… why? According to good old Atticus at Evil Supply Co. – to put simply, they’re too much trouble. That’s it. SO, with that said, here is August’s parcel. I will miss the parcels because I DO believe that Evil Supply Co. spends a lot of time creating the art and putting these together. However, until they can get more consistent with delivering their product, I’m out.