Crafty Recipes: Whipped Snow

It’s probably a little early to be dreaming about snow but with the muggy weather I had today, I’m almost ready for winter. Well, almost ready…okay, not really, but the thought of winter made me think that it would be an excellent time to share my recipe for Whipped Snow.

This is a fun little recipe to bring out on rainy days or as an outdoor activity on a warm sunny day.

Whipped Snow

What you need:

  • 2 cups of laundry soap (ivory flakes works really well but any type of powdered or flaked laundry soap is fine)
  • 4 cups of water
  • food coloring (this is completely optional but you can divide the whipped snow to make several different colors by adding a few drops of food coloring)


  1. Measure out the laundry soap into a large bowl.
  2. Slowly pour in the water as you mix the flakes with an electric mixer.
  3. Continue to mix on high until the soap becomes fluffy.
  4. Separate into several bowls and fold in a few drops of food coloring if you choose to color the whipped snow.
  5. Give to the kids and let them create their own whipped snow sculptures.

One thing about whipped snow is that it can be left out over night and it will dry in the shapes you created.

-Sirena Van Schaik

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