Few things can bring a smile like cute animals can, especially when discouraging news floods your social media feeds. When you’re online and need a mental break from disturbing news stories, you can always turn to nature for some solace and joy, and this week the zoos of the world have started a great Twitter trend to help you do just that, they have started the #CuteAnimalTweetOff to showcase some of their adorable fur babies!
It’s a cute overload for sure!
The trend started with the birth of a gray seal pup at the Smithsonian National Zoo. The pup’s mother, Kara, holds the record for being the oldest gray seal to give birth in a zoo. And to top it all off, the gray seal, which was once an endangered species, is now listed as a species of least concern!
Here is the Smithsonian tweet along with some of our other favorites from the #CuteAnimalTweetOff:
We have a new gray seal pup at our @NationalZoo! She appears to be nursing, moving and bonding well with mom. More: https://t.co/5nZRQwNl0J pic.twitter.com/ns6j2BH1sV
— Smithsonian (@smithsonian) January 25, 2017
@SarahJanetHill Um, hi.
Kilgore the bobcat here, reporting for duty in the #cuteanimaltweetoff. He’s adorable and rescued. pic.twitter.com/OReyk5q0B7
— Maryland Zoo (@marylandzoo) January 25, 2017
“Excuse me, can I get in on this, too?” #CuteAnimalTweetOff pic.twitter.com/MATHGrJgvI
— Elmwood Park Zoo (@ElmwoodParkZoo) January 25, 2017
Oh no she didn’t! Our baby jaguar Babette just entered a selfie in the #cuteanimaltweetoff. pic.twitter.com/yj12hr8vdk
— Tulsa Zoo (@TulsaZoo) January 26, 2017
Wait, everyone! Our #redpanda cub wants to be included in the #cuteanimaltweetoff pic.twitter.com/0bL8UiHV8f
— Denver Zoo (@DenverZoo) January 26, 2017
Can we #TBT to yesterday’s #CuteAnimalTweetOff? May its memory bring us all the warm fuzzies forever. pic.twitter.com/TsZ7mDfnJz
— Monterey Aquarium (@MontereyAq) January 26, 2017
Paws down, we have the cutest animal duo!
#CuteAnimalTweetOff @ToledoZoo @clemetzoo @CincinnatiZoo @AkronZoo pic.twitter.com/suICnIEaOF
— Columbus Zoo (@ColumbusZoo) January 26, 2017
Welcome this cozy cheetah cub to the #cuteanimaltweetoff! pic.twitter.com/vdhUKmyRqa
— Cincinnati Zoo (@CincinnatiZoo) January 26, 2017
Baby ocelot Santos will make your day! #cuteanimaltweetoff #tbt pic.twitter.com/19nWtdBf7P
— Cincinnati Zoo (@CincinnatiZoo) January 26, 2017
There’s a #cuteanimaltweetoff going down…
Our red panda ends it here! *drops mic* pic.twitter.com/whcYxHo1I0
— Chester Zoo (@chesterzoo) January 26, 2017