June 23, 2024 archive

Homemade Organic Cherry Jam Recipe

There’s nothing quite like the taste of homemade cherry jam, especially when made with fresh, organic cherries. This recipe is perfect for those who have a bit of experience in the kitchen and are ready to take their jam-making skills to the next level. Let’s dive into the delightful process of creating a jar of …

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How to Successfully Grow Basil from Cuttings

Basil is a versatile and fragrant herb that is widely used in a variety of cuisines around the world. While many gardeners opt to grow basil from seeds, propagating basil from cuttings can be a highly rewarding and efficient method. By taking cuttings from an existing basil plant, you can create new, genetically identical plants …

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The Enigmatic World of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar

Born on this day June 23, 1901, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, a multifaceted literary figure, was a novelist, poet, essayist, and academic who left a lasting impression in the annals of Turkish literature. His works provide a profound understanding of the cultural transformation of Turkey from the Ottoman Empire to the modern republic. The enigmatic world …

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